Owner Occupied Voting

This article covers how to identify onsite/offsite owners as well as restrict offsite owners from participating in the owner-occupied election using the Real-time Voting tool (RTV).

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Identifying On/Offsite Owners

    • Under the Membership tab, there is a column called "Custom Data"
      • If GetQuorum was provided with onsite/offsite owner information, you will see "owner-occupied: true" when the unit has an onsite owner or you will see  "owner-occupied: false when the unit has an offsite owner.
      • If GetQuorum was not provided with onsite/offsite owner information, the custom data column will not show these details.

    • If you are unsure if GetQuorum was provided with offsite/onsite owner information, please reach out to our support team (support@getquorum.com) as soon as possible to confirm.
      • Please note: to restrict offsite voters from participating in the owner-occupied election, GetQuorum must be provided with this data at least 2 business days before the virtual meeting.
    • If the property management company does not have updated records of who is an offsite owner, all voters will access the owner-occupied election, however:
      • Owners will be asked to declare whether or not they live in their unit during the live vote.
      • The host will need to instruct offsite owners to choose "Not Owner Occupied" or to abstain.

Setting up an Owner Occupied Vote

  1. Open the Questions Tab of the Meeting Card.
  2. Once you are there,  click on the three dots on the right-hand side to hand-select the Owner Occupied Election voting question.
  3. Alternatively, click on the "+ Copy all to Live Vote" button. The questions from advance voting will appear in the Live Vote Questions section below that.
  4. Click on the Owner Occupied question, and make sure that  "Owner Occupied Question" is toggled on.
    1.  If we were provided with the onsite/offsite owner data (you can review in the Membership tab under Custom Data), you can also choose to toggle off the "Allow all units to self-declare as Owner Occupied", and you will see an Advanced Option appear. 
    2. If we do not have the onsite owner data, please ensure that you toggle on the "Allow all units to self-declare as Owner Occupied" question.


1. What if an onsite site owner was incorrectly marked as onsite/offsite by the property management company?

You can remove this field by clicking into the unit, then clicking on the custom field. In the dialogue box, edit the field accordingly (true = owner occupied/ onsite, false = offsite), then click Save.

2. What if my meeting does not have onsite/offsite owner data in advance?

    If the property management company does not have updated records of who is an offsite owner, all voters will access the owner-occupied election. 
    However, owners will be asked to declare if they live in their unit or not before submitting their vote. Offsite owners should indicate that they do not live in their unit.
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