Running Motions

This article overviews the 2 main ways you can run simple motions in the Zoom Webinar.

On this page...

Setting up Zoom Polls in the GetQuorum Dashboard


  1. Navigate to the Webcast Tab.
  2. Click on the "Polls" sub-tab and then "Add Motions."
  3. You can check any motions you'd like to add from the list of pre-determined motions.
  4. The motions will appear under the polls tab once they have been successfully added.
  5. You can also click "+ Add Poll" to create a motion with unique wording.
  6. You will need to provide a title, the question verbiage and the possible responses to the unique poll and then press "Save." you can add unique polls like this at any point throughout the meeting, and they will appear in the Zoom Webinar.  

Running Motions

    Instructions for Running Motions with Zoom Polls

  1. Start by asking for a mover and seconder through the hand raise button. You can see hand raises in the Participants box. Zoom will re-organize names in the Attendee tab based on who raised their hand first.
  2. Click on the Polling button in the Zoom Webinar. If there are owners on the panel, make sure panelists can vote as well.
  3. Choose the down arrow to select the poll for the motion at hand.
  4. Once you have selected the correct poll, click "Launch Poll."
  5. Votes will begin coming in on the poll. You can keep it open until the number of votes reflects roughly the number of owners on the call.
  6. Click "End Poll" when you're ready to stop taking votes.Click "Share Results" when you'd like to show all attendees and panelists the results of the poll voting.
  7. Click "Stop Sharing" when you no longer want to results to appear on everyone's screen.
  8. If you need to rerun the same poll, you can do so by clicking "Re-launch." Please note that this will clear the previous results for the same poll.

Instructions for Running Motions with Zoom Polls

An alternative way to run motions is by simply using the hand raise feature.  With this way, you will need to ask participants to raise their hand and keep it raised to show that they favour or oppose a motion. 

  1. Call for a mover and seconder to the proposed motion.
  2. The first hands in the participant box would be your mover and seconder that you call out. 
  3. Then ask for all in favour and wait for people to raise their hands.
  4. Once you have counted and announced all hand raises in favour, press the "Lower All Hands Button" to prepare to call for opposition to the motion.
  5. Ask for all opposed and wait for attendees to raise their hand. 
  6. Once you have counted and announced all hand raises in opposition, press the "Lower All Hands Button."


1. Which method works best?

Polls seem to be faster than manual hand raises but either option work as long as you practice with your attendees on how a motion will run at the beginning of the meeting. 

2. Are motions weighted or do they include advanced voting?

The Zoom Poll and the Hand Raise do not include proxy holder votes, so they are not weighted. It is 1 vote per attendee or panelist on the call. It does not incorporate any advanced voting. 

3. Can we get a report on the poll results after the meeting?

Yes, poll reports are uploaded to the "Shared Documents" tab in the dashboard. 

4. Will owners who are ineligible to vote (i.e. in arrears) be able to participate in motions?

With either the hand raise or the polling feature, you will not be able to exclude any ineligible voters from participating in the motion if they are in attendance.  

5. Can I use Zoom polls for voting matters, such as the election?

GetQuorum strongly advises against this as the Zoom Poll does not include proxy holder votes, so they are not weighted nor do they incorporate any advanced votes. Additionally as stated above, you will not able to exclude any ineligible voters from participating.
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