(Moderator) Multi-Unit Owners

💡 This page covers information regarding multi-unit owners, as well as how and why they are consolidated.


When an owner has multiple units, the CSR will consolidate them into one unit if the total is three or more and the owner has RSVP'd to the meeting. We may also consolidate units totaling fewer than three if instructed by the client.

This involves selecting one of the units they own and updating its share value to match the total number of units they own. The remaining units are then set to shares = 0 / ineligible - Voting under Unit X and emails are updated to noemail@getquorum.com. This ensures the owner will only receive the link for the correct unit.

For owners with multiple units that are not consolidated, they must vote once per unit through the multiple emails they receive for each unit.

👀 If there are requests during the meeting for units to be consolidated, please confirm with the client and then inform Support of the consolidation details, e.g., the units they own as confirmed by the client.

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