Deferred Voting and Authorized Proxy Holders

This article covers how to work with deferred votes and ensure authorized proxy holders votes are counted.

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Identifying Proxy Holders

  • A summary of all the proxy holders can be found under the Proxies tab. 
  • This will include electronic proxies submitted by owners as well as paper proxies uploaded to the Dashboard.

  • Proxies by Unit: this reflects the total number of units that have named this proxy
  • Proxies by Shares: this reflects the total number of eligible voting shares that have named this proxy

Deferred Votes From Proxies

A deferred vote is a vote that authorizes the proxy to vote on the registered owner's behalf. 
  • Deferred votes are most commonly from a paper proxy. However, if your meeting has no candidates, you may also see the option to defer on the eproxy.
  • You can identify whether there are deferred votes by heading to the Overview page.
  • Under each voting matter, you will see an option for "I Give My Proxy Authority to Vote On This Matter" if there was a proxy with a deferred vote.

  • How to handle deferred votes

  • When there are deferred votes, this requires manual addition of votes based on how the proxy holder voted live.
  • Once the live vote is completed, you can manually add votes on the Overview page of the dashboard by using the "Additional" column.
  • Instructions
    1. Once the live vote is over, confirm the number of deferred votes from proxies by navigating to the advance voting summary on the Overview page.
    2. Next, you will need to look up how the proxy holder (i.e. the President) voted under View Votes. This page can be accessed from the Overview or Questions page.
    3. On the View Votes page, search for the proxy holder to filter down the votes so you can see how the proxy holder voted.
    4. Make note of how the proxy holder voted, and head back to the Overview page.
    5. On the Overview page, look for the voting matter(s) that lists "I Give My Proxy Authority To Vote On This Matter".
    6.  Manually add the additional votes in on the Overview page by clicking on the line in the "additional" column. You may need to do this multiple times, depending on if each voting matter has deferred votes. 
      1. Example: if the President is holding 2 proxies with fully deferred votes, you would add 2 votes to the candidate(s) that they voted for and add a vote for how they voted on the bylaw.
    7. You will notice that the Totals column will automatically update to include any additional votes you added!
    Check out our video overview below for a visual guide!


    1. What if I am not sure about deferred votes?

    Prior to your meeting, please reach out to your customer success manager at as soon as possible to confirm. 

    If you need assistance during your meeting, please click on the live chat beacon in the meeting card to initiate a session with our support team.

    2. Can I weigh the proxy holder's unit instead of using the additional votes column? 

    Yes, as long as the proxy holder is authorized to vote on behalf of the owner for  all voting matters. You can review how to adjust shares here.

    If the proxy holder is authorized to only vote on one voting matter, you will need to follow the process outlined above in this article. 

    3. Why do I have to manually tabulate deferred votes? 

    Manual tabulation will only be required in situations where a proxy is partially instructed. When a proxy is fully uninstructed, you can fully grant the proxy holder the voting share

    4. Can owners fully defer their vote to their proxy with the electronic proxy tool?

    Currently, the proxy tool will only have this option enabled in the event of no candidates. If an owner would like to fully defer their vote to the proxy, they will need to submit a paper proxy/hardcopy to management.

    5. How do deferred votes affect attendance numbers for quorum?

    There is no change to how attendance will be announced as our system counts all proxies submitted for quorum. 

    6.  Do you have a template that I can use to keep track of deferred votes?

    Yes, you can use this spreadsheet to help tabulate the results.
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