Alberta condo meetings

This article outlines 3 important steps to take before hosting an Alberta Condo meeting with unit factors: checking proxies, announcing quorum and finally setting unit factors for proxy holders after you have announced your number for quorum.

In this article:

  1. Checking proxies on the day of the meeting
  2. Announcing quorum in unit factors
  3. Updating proxy holder unit factors for live voting
  4. FAQ

Checking proxies 

Once proxy submissions have closed and you have uploaded all paper proxies into the Dashboard, you can then review them all and ensure there are no discrepancies.


  1. Navigate to the proxies tab on the left side menu
  2. Click "revoked" so that you do not see any revoked proxies
  3. Click export CSV and open the excel file you download 
  4. Sort by holderName (column I) and check:
    1. owners name (column C) who have appointed themselves as their proxy
    2. check that holder names are in the membership tab
      1. if a proxy holder is not in the membership tab - you may need to reach out to the owner and ask them for their proxy's email. You can then create a new unit and add the proxy holder to it and resend the invite.
    3. if a proxy holder is ineligible to vote 
  5. You can revoke any proxies that you determine are not valid by click on the proxy in the list on the proxy tab and pressing the revoke button

Announcing quorum in unit factors


Once you start the webinar and allow attendees to join:

  1. Navigate to the membership tab and refresh your web browser frequently
  2. Check who has the purple "in attendance" icon in the membership tab
  3. Look out for proxy holders - once all have shown up from your list you know that your unit factors for proxy submissions are accurate
  4. If a proxy holder doesn't show up, note their name and unit factors given to them

Announcing quorum

At the beginning of the meeting, ask attendees to confirm if they would like to vote live. Give them some time to confirm by canceling/revoking their proxy on their voting portal. When you're ready to announce quorum you can complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the questions tab and toggle the "proxy revocations" to closed
  2. Head over to the Overview tab and refresh your browser one final time
  3. If certain proxy holders did not show up, subtract the unit factors of proxies who are not in attendance from the Submissions by shares number on the Dashboard overview.
    • This number will be your total proxy submissions in unit factors
  4. You can then manually add together 3 numbers from the Dashboard overview for your total for Quorum 
  5. Submissions by shares
  6. Total eligible arrears shares in attendance
  7. Eligible shares in Attendance

Updating proxy holder unit factors for live voting

After you have announced your number for quorum and given attendees some time to revoke their proxy, you can then complete the final step of updating unit factors for live voting.


  1. Navigate to the proxies tab and take the shares (unit factor> held by each proxy from the summary table at the top
  2. Navigate to the proxy holder in the Membership tab and add the shares (unit factors) from proxies to their existing share number
  3. Update the units of all proxy holders
  4. Once done, head back to membership and filter by advance vote
  5. Select all units with advance votes/proxies on record using the selection box on the leftside(do not include people in arrears)
  6. Click bulk actions and bulk set the selected units shares to 0
  7. Click bulk actions and click on Mark as Ineligible
  8. Choose custom reason and type "proxy on record"


  1. The Corporation does not count units in arrears towards quorum. What should I do?
  2. Revoke any proxies submitted by units in arrears. In addition, ensure that when announcing attendance, you do not include the "Total Eligible Arrears Units in Attendance" figure.
  3. What are some ways to ensure I set the shares correctly?
  4. After you have set the shares, please navigate to the Overview tab, and refresh. Look at the Total Units tile, and ensure it still lists 10,000.0 total shares (or whatever the starting total shares count was). If there are any discrepancies, please go back to the Membership tab, and use the Original Shares column to ensure that all of the additions were done currently to the Shares field. Also, please review the advance votes' units to confirm their share balance has been updated to 0, with the exception of units in arrears.
  5. What should I do if someone who holds a proxy is also in arrears and not eligible to vote for their own unit?
  6. In this case, a new unit should be created in the membership tab for the proxy recipient. The new unit can be noted as “Proxy for Unit ###”. When transferring over the shares, please ensure they are transferred to this proxy unit, and not the original unit that is in arrears. In addition, please advise the proxy recipient that they will have to vote through the proxy unit link, as they will be unable to vote through their original unit link. In order to avoid confusion, you can update the original unit’s e-mail address to, so that the owner will only get an invite from the proxy unit.
  7. What should I do if someone who has been appointed a proxy also has a proxy on record?
  8. We can refer to this situation as a proxy chain, where Person A has listed Person B as their proxy, and Person B has listed Person C as their proxy. In this scenario, please ensure that Person B's shares are transferred over to Person C. Person B’s shares should then be updated to 0, and they should be marked as ineligible. Person B’s e-mail address should also be updated to 

    A new unit should then be created for Person B, in order for them to act as the proxy for Person A.  The new unit can be noted as "Proxy for Unit ###".  Person A's shares should be transferred over to this new unit, which contains the correct e-mail address for Person B.  Person A's shares should then be updated to 0, and they should be marked as ineligible.
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